To the Editors and News Managers receiving this,
I hope that after reading this letter that you will be willing to help me make my plea for help. Words can’t convey the depths of misery that my current situation has sunk me into and I hope that you will be willing to do what you can to help me out by printing or having read this letter. I’ve turned to everyone I can and have been denied aid at every turn. I am making one last plea to the people of Utah for their support. But I can’t get their support if you, the ones who control what they see, read, and hear, aren’t willing to make my request known. I’ve done my best to describe my circumstances and at the same time remain brief, I know your space and time is valuable. If I had the funds, I would pay for the advertising of this request, but I am unable to do that. So I place my fate in your hands and hope that your decision will be to do your small part in helping out a fellow citizen who has tried to do his part as well. Thank you in advance for your support. If you need to contact me I can be reached in the following ways
Telephone: 801-368-3971
Mailing Address: SPC Richard Jensen
F. Co. 309th MI BN
Fort Huachuca, Arizona, 85613.
Dear fellow citizens of the Great State of Utah. My name is Spc. Richard Jensen and I am writing to make a great plea for your assistance. I have been an Utahan all my life; grew up in Bluffdale, graduated from SLCC and the U. of U., and am raising my family of six in Pleasant Grove.
In 2006 I made the decision to join the Utah Army National Guard. I shut down my growing successful Real Estate business, took a massive pay cut, kissed my wife and children farewell and left for training. My goal and desire was to engage my efforts and abilities in the protection of my family and our community. It’s a job that needs to be done that I was willing to do.
I currently find myself in training at Fort Huachuca, Arizona where I have been stationed since August of 2008. Due to a back injury incurred during training my stay here has been indefinitely prolonged. My situation however is more dire than a simple injury. Since my arrival here I have been the subject of constant sexual harassment that has worn me down and brought me into the depths of misery.
Constant harassment, threats of abuse, cadences sung about me by my Platoon, and the Platoon Sergeants making it clear that I deserve no respect. I have made pleas for relief through the military chain of command which has proven itself unwilling to provide assistance. I have asked my fellow soldiers, my NCO’s, my Platoon Sergeants, my First Sergeant, my Company Commander, my National Guard Liaison, and several Chaplains for assistance. My efforts have all been to no avail. They are either unable or unwilling to provide relief and refuse to remove me from the situation and appear helpless to prevent it.
The effects upon me have been disastrous. I’ve been abused, assaulted, intimidated, scorned, and mocked for so long that I’m on the brink of collapse. I’ve had several emotional breakdowns; moments of weeping and sobbing where I have actually spoken the words asking death to release me from the situation. The strain has become unbearable.
My normal nature has been one of optimism, hopefulness, and joviality but this situation has brought me to the edge of the cliffs of despair and is preparing to push me over. And because of my current injured status there in no hope of change in the future. I’m no longer training and can’t simply graduate and come home. I am here indefinitely and have no hope of change for my situation. No one in the Army is willing to make the decision to provide me with relief.
So why do I write to you and bring these facts to public knowledge? To plead for your help. I’ve been told the only reason that I can’t recover from my injury at home, away from the abuse and despair, is that sending me home would mean the State of Utah would being paying for my care, instead of the Federal Government. I’m hopeful that the people I joined the military to protect are willing to protect me now, that the money isn’t more important then the person.
There are people with the authority to bring me home; who can choose to continue giving me the medical care I need and simultaneously remove me from the current situation. What I ask that is that you help persuade them that they should make that decision.
So I implore you to contact our elected officials and let them know that you would like them to intervene in behalf of a soldier in need. Call or write to Governor Huntsman, Senator Hatch or Bennett, or one of our House Representatives. Let them know that you support them in assisting me. Let them know if you aren’t willing and that you think I’m out of line. I’ll trust that to your judgment.
But I beg you for your support. I’m struggling to hang on to the end of my rope. Some of the Army personnel are willing to help and realize I’m in need of it, but they are handicapped by regulations. Someone in authority will need to make the decision that I am worth the effort, and that means they will need to know if the people of Utah think I’m worthy of their assistance. For 30 years you’ve been my family, friends, neighbors, classmates, and clients. Those of you who know me, please make the call yourself and then ask your friends and neighbors to do the same. Let them know my life is worth it.
If your not willing to call, write, or email someone in authority but want to offer me some much needed emotional support, I can be reached via email at Thank You.
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